Tuesday, 12 March 2019


1) What period does the Middle Ages cover?
    Its beginning is the year 476 with the fall of the Roman Empire of the West and its end in 1492            with the discovery of America.

2) What general characteristics does it have (according to the teacher’s comments)?

3) What is the main difference between “troubadours” and “minstrels”?
   Un trovador es un poeta provenzal que en la Edad Media Componía y recitaba poemas. Y un juego     es una persona que en la Edad Media iba de pueblo en pueblo divirtiendo a la gente con sus     canciones, juegos o juegos a cambio de dinero.

4) Pay attention to these two monuments (a Romanic church and a Gothic cathedral). What do their different heights have in common with the music evolution of those centuries?
  The first the arches are higher and has more light while the second arcs are lower and it is darker.

5) What do you feel looking at these pictures (taken from the 19th century but directly linked to the Middle Ages)? In your own opinion, what kind of music could accompany these images?
  These pictures are showing some characters that are in love and I think the music that accompanies    these images is classical music.

6) Why does Heavy Metal music love this aesthetic?
   I think they like this aesthetic because the music is as fantastic and strong as the Middle age.

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