Tuesday, 27 November 2018


How many wars the people want?
Before they learn
How many violence the people need?
Before they learn to be best
How many faces are sad in the world?
Before they begin to be bad
How many animals the people kill?
Pretending it was very fun

 1.- Which one do you prefer? Why? (2 or 3 lines are enough). 
 The one that I liked the most was the last one, because the primer is slow but then it changes quickly and I like fast music. And the one that has been the second least.

2.- Who was Bob Dylan? (2 or 3 lines are enough).
was an American musician, composer, singer and poet, born on 24 May, 1941 and died at age 77. Considered one of the most prolific and influential figures in popular music of the twentieth century and early twenty-first century.

 3.-In Music classes I have told you about the sixties and the music of that period, including some videos. If you paid attention, you will be capable of writing down a summarize. (4 or 5 lines are enough). 
The music of the United Kingdom begins to be revolutionized and developed in the decade of 1960, in one of the main forms of the popular music recognized at that time in the modern world. Several songs were exported to the United States by bands like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. In the 60's there were many events such as "The Cold War", "Vietnam War", there was also a lot of racism and women had no rights.


1.- How would you describe the "program music"? (2 or 3 lines are enough). 
The music program is a type of artistic music that tries to represent musically a musical narrative. The narrative itself could be offered to the audience in the form of program notes, inviting imaginative correlations with the music.

2.- Choose one of the next examples (worked already a bit in Music classes) and do some research about the composer (4 or 5 lines are enough).
 Bedrich Smetana was born on 2 March, 1824 in Bohemia and he died on 12 May, 1884. Smetana, was a composer and had a natural talent for the piano and gave his first recital at age six. After receiving a conventional education at school, he studied music with Josef Proksch in Prague. He went to Sweden, where he established himself as a teacher and choir director in Gothenburg and began writing large-scale orchestral works, during this period of his life, Smetana was married twice and had six children, of whom three died during his childhood.

3.- This is the musical piece we are playing in the class. Do you believe the composer transmits the title meaning in a good manner? Why?

Yes, because the notes are soft and gives the feeling as if the sun was coming out and that's why the title and the song are related

Monday, 26 November 2018


1.- What is strenght as basica physical ability? How many tipes of strenght are there? Explain them and give an example of each of them.
Strength as a basic physical ability is the ability of our muscles to overcome resistance. Tipes of strenght:
  • Strength Endurance: Is the ability to keep the contracted muscles a period of time. 
  • Explosive strenght: The explosive strenght is based on the ability of a muscle to generate stretching. Skipping.
  • Relative strenght: Amount of force you can generate with the body.
  • Resistance strenght: Is the duration that you can endure an endurance exercise. Burpee.


 2.- What is flexibility as basic physical capacity? What factors does flexibility depend on?  

 It is the muscle's capacity to make the greatest possible joint movement without damaging the muscle and / or the joint. It depends on the muscular elasticity and on the joint mobility.

Imagen relacionada 

 3.- What is endurance as basic physical ability? How many types of endurance are  there? Explain them and give an example of each of them. 

It is the physical ability of a body to withstand a resistance for a certain time. There are 2 types of resistance:
  • Aerobic endurance: bosco
  • Anaerobic endurance: rope

4.- How can I improve my endurance? Explain two exercises to improve aerobic endurance.

  •  Burpees: squat, flex and slap from behind your head.
  • Jump rope:jump with both feet together very fast.

Saturday, 24 November 2018



1.- Does sadness and melancholy belong to music?
     The sadness and the melancholy if it belongs to the music as the rage, the joy ...

2.- Or must music always make you feel happy or glad?
      It depends on the feelings of a person. Maybe a person has a song that transmit  joy an         another  rage. 

Tuesday, 6 November 2018


You children cry because they want to see you happy,
you see sadness in his face because his father is a monster.
Everyday it gost worse and causes you more pain.
Fighter woman raises that its time.
Denunce that man don´t hide in the shadow.
You and can change it you decide to report.
To life you smile.


Staff: pentagrama.                      Treble clef: clave de sol. 
Recorder: flauta dulce.                Note: nota.                             
Rest: silencio (como símbolo     Silence: silencio (en general). 
de pentagrama).                          Half note: blanca.
Whole note: redonda.                 Eighth note: corchea.                     
Quarter note: negra.                   Accidentals: alteraciones.                              
Tone: tono.                                  Guitar: guitarra.
Flat: bemol.                                 Interval: intervalo.                         
Fret: traste.                                  Ascending: ascendente.                   
Play: tocar.                                  Noise: ruido.                                  
Pitch: altura.                                High-pitched: agudo.             
Low-pitched: grave.                    Melody: melodía.                                               
Duration: duración.                     Long: largo.            
Short: corto.                                Choir: coro.           
Chord: acorde.                            Semitone: semitono.          
Sharp: sostenido.                         Keyboard: teclado.             
String: cuerda.                             Bass: bajo.                                     
Descending: descendente.           Major scale: escala mayor.